02My Valentines 2021

Expedition Nomadic Adventures
2 min readFeb 14, 2021

For the past few years, I have written a loving Valentine’s Day message about my two wives.

Image courtesy of Skip to my Lou

This past year the world pandemic has slowed my travels, providing me with a lot more time for writing and reading. During these times, I have reflected upon what is essential for my life.
My offspring, family, and friends are a priority as they are always concern about my nomadic wanderings around the U. S.

Images courtesy of EONA

I love my outdoor life of bicycling, backpacking, photographing landscapes and wildlife. But, my wives demanded more from me, so I compromised setting parameters to accommodate all of my loves.

My dedicated desk for writing and reading has promoted comfortable opportunities beyond what I could have imagined. But I miss the Denny’s, Starbucks, and Panera bread destinations because people would bring my food and drink to me. I now have to take time to prepare whatever I want. 😦

My first wife, “writing,” is my passionate compulsion, and she has influenced me more than I could have ever imagined.
My second wife, “reading,” is equal to writing as she nourishes and inspires my creative soul aiding in my writing of short stories & novels. Together they are the foundations of my life

Current writing studio

They still become jealous when I’m enjoying my other hobbies. I recently set an organized weekly schedule setting aside time for each to bring a loving harmony to our lives.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Writing & Reading.

PS: Photography, bicycling, and backpacking your times are coming.



Expedition Nomadic Adventures

I’m a retiree, nomadically traveling full-time around North American. I’m an aspiring creative fiction romance writer about baby boomers.