Fear + Hate = Revenge

Expedition Nomadic Adventures
1 min readMay 13, 2024
Image courtesy of Lasalle University digital commons; https://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/slaveowners_civil_war/9/The human history of wars and conflicts continuously scaring our planet are repeated reminders of humanity’s capacity to fear and hate, erupting in cycles of revenge.

Humanity’s fears, when left unchecked, breed hate, engulfing both sides in revenge. This cycle of destructive infectious retribution perpetuates a never-ending cycle of humanity’s destruction, a cycle we must strive to break.

Fear is a primal emotion in human nature and the catalyst for conflicts instigated by manipulative leaders who sow seeds of hate germinating into revenge.

Humanity’s senseless, vicious cycle of wars and conflicts is woven throughout history to thrive in the wars and conflicts of today.

But, there is hope amidst the tumultuous chaos of wars and conflicts, with each generation nurturing a steadfast collective yearning for peace, and they are protestors with the following attributes:

*The enduring faith and beliefs for hope and peace.

*Protesters are the beacons of light during the darkest times of human conflicts.

*Protestors are the unwavering resilience of spirited humanity for their future.

Humanities hope is the current generation of protestors, who are the rebirth of hope for their future, following in the footsteps of early Abolitionists, who sought an ending to slavery that was unbelievable in the imagination of early America.

The Journey to Emancipation: the Germantown Protest, 1688




Expedition Nomadic Adventures

I’m a retiree, nomadically traveling full-time around North American. I’m an aspiring creative fiction romance writer about baby boomers.