America’s voting choices?

Expedition Nomadic Adventures
2 min readJun 29, 2024

I did not watch the 2024 presidential debate knowing there would not be any actual debate; instead, there would be antagonistic name-calling without cited references or fact-based discussion. Politics is America’s longest-running reality television show, filled with childhood playground name-calling similar to the entertainment talk and courtroom drama shows that fill America’s cable, streaming, and digital media services.

The Republican and Democratic parties have presented to the American People two elderly, white male candidates, aged 81 and 78, as the next U.S. president.

The U.S. Census website estimates America’s current population at 336,673,595, and these two elderly men are supposedly the best to become the next U. S. President after the primary vetting of all potential American citizens aged 35 and above, with the backup being a vice president. Come on America!

American voting choices are abysmal, and why the power of every vote this fall should not to be taken lightly. Voting, is as crucial as a family member choosing which of these two elders to drive to the grocery store for a few items for the family Thanksgiving dinner gathering. The stakes are high, and the decision should not be taken lightly in this serious matter that demands a…



Expedition Nomadic Adventures

I’m a retiree, nomadically traveling full-time around North American. I’m an aspiring creative fiction romance writer about baby boomers.