America’s prescription parks

Expedition Nomadic Adventures
3 min readApr 22, 2021
Route-12 Washington State.

There is a repeated loop of daily visuals with televised news shows covering every angle of anything that bleeds. All combined with daily Covid-19 World Pandemic updates, causing the deaths of more than half a million Americans.
Needless to say, these visuals can be overwhelming for survivors who suffer from the sorrow and awe of death.

If Covid-19 was a natural disaster, citizens would help in person and or send money to help victims recover.
But, with only a half-million dead, is it possible there are not enough deaths for Americans to consciously care or be a concern for those suffering?

I’m sure if the combined U. S. armed forces suffered half a million casualties during the 20-year war in Iraq and Afganistan. Would Americans protesting the war be more or less than citizens who oppose wearing a mask for health reasons?

America’s brighter days are approaching, as the Covid-19 vaccine is being distributed to all who want to be vaccinated, which is the hope similar to spring flowers blossoming.

But a lie after the last election allowed Americans to watch live the siege of the US Capitol, resulting in the deaths of law enforcement officers with hundreds of arrests bringing some comfort.



Expedition Nomadic Adventures

I’m a retiree, nomadically traveling full-time around North American. I’m an aspiring creative fiction romance writer about baby boomers.